Economy / Activities

Mid-Term Forum

May 2010, Sheraton hotel

A two days conference and workshops to draw a vision for the future of the city.

Madinatuna Brand Awareness Campaign

April 2010, Aleppo

2 weeks brand awareness campaign was implemented to launch Madinatuna. Mass advertising media channels were used.

Skills for Informal Settlements

March 2010, SEBC, Aleppo

Skills is a 1 year training program for 18 young people (aged 18-25 years old) from the informal settlements. The training seek sto increase their employability by providing new skills and competences in entrepreneurship development, management, language, and interpersonal communication. the program includes 6 month theory courses and 6 month hands-on training in the private sector.

PPP Cooperation Agreements

January 2010, Municipality of Aleppo

Signing a cooperation agreement with SEBC


May 2009, Tourism Chamber

Start-up Forum

November 2008, Sheraton hotel

A one day conference Presented a preliminary rapid assessment of the city.