Activities / Workshop

Action vs. Talk

the Aleppo CDS is not just about strategy preparation; it is about implementation as well. Small and quick projects and activities are implemented on the ground while strategies are being prepared on paper. Activities can include small urban projects, training projects, events, public interest campaigns, and the formation of local, domestic, and international partnerships, alliances, cooperative agreements and networking.

Open City - Safe City

February 2010, Municipality of Aleppo

Workshop for identifying headlines for the CFC strategy

School, Home, City

January 2010, Municipality of Aleppo

A two days workshop for children’s parents discussing children’s and parents behavior patterns at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.

Open City - Diverse City

December 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

A one Decision maker workshop on the spatial development strategy of Aleppo

Basic Concepts for Social Development with Children & Youth

December 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

3 day workshop was held in cooperation with UNICEF. The workshop focused on capacity building for staff involved in social development issues with Children and Youth.

Children’s Drawings & Their Meanings

November 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

1 day workshop was held in participation with the French School in Aleppo. The workshop focused on training the staff on how to use children’s drawings in strategy work.

Open City - Diverse City

September 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

A one day stakeholders workshop on spatial development methodology for the city and an analysis of the Master plan of Aleppo.

Aleppo Through Their Eyes

September 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

A two days workshop CFC: children friendly city.


May 2009, Tourism Chamber