Activities / Networking

Action vs. Talk

the Aleppo CDS is not just about strategy preparation; it is about implementation as well. Small and quick projects and activities are implemented on the ground while strategies are being prepared on paper. Activities can include small urban projects, training projects, events, public interest campaigns, and the formation of local, domestic, and international partnerships, alliances, cooperative agreements and networking.

PPP Cooperation Agreements

January 2010, Municipality of Aleppo

Signing a cooperation agreement with SEBC

NGOs Cooperation Agreements

January 2010, Municipality of Aleppo

Signing a cooperation agreement with JCI

NGOs Cooperation Agreements

January 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

Signing a cooperation agreement with “alsh2oun” to work with them and with all NGOs

NGOs Cooperation Agreements

January 2009, Municipality of Aleppo

Signing a cooperation agreement with Small Flowers NGO

Cooperation Activities

January 2009,

Cooperating with UNICEF on CFC activities and training

Cooperation Activities

January 2009,

Cooperating with UNRWA on CFC activities

Cooperation Activities

January 2009,

Cooperating with Education Directorate in CFC and informal settlements activities

Cooperation Activities

January 2009,

Cooperating with the Health Directorate on CFC and informal settlements activities

Cooperation Activities

January 2009,

Cooperating with the Cultural Directorate on cultural centers for children in Azizieh and Firdos neighborhoods.